Filled Regions in Enlarged Details Print Inconsistently on the Same Sheet Filled Regions in Enlarged Details Print Inconsistently on the Same Sheet

Filled Regions in Enlarged Details Print Inconsistently on the Same Sheet

Mike Jeon Mike Jeon



Filled regions in enlarged details placed on a single sheet are inconsistently printing. In the example below, the detail on the left is printing darker than the detail on the right, despite applying the graphic settings from the same View Template.





Why one detail is printing lighter than the other is unclear. However, there is one method that may work to ensure the line weights are properly applied.



From the Line Weights settings, add the scale that corresponds to the detail views. In this example, the 3" = 1'-0" scale was added to specify the line weights applied to the filled regions. Note that the line weights are set to the same printed width for this example, but adjust accordingly to your specific needs.
