Issue: Need to apply a custom revit.ini file to a deployment that will automatically apply itself after installation of the program.
Reason: In the past, a custom revit.ini file could be applied to an installation deployment. Now that deployments have been replaced with Custom Installs, the application of a custom revit.ini file has changed.
Solution: In the Custom Install section of the Autodesk Account, upon selecting Revit to create a Custom Install, in the Customizations section, the Custom Application Settings allow for the selection of a custom revit.ini file:
Notice that the name of the file no longer needs to be “revit.ini” but can be named whatever on would like.
This part of the procedure is a little misleading; it has one Browse to the file, but this is merely adding the name of the file to the custom install, not uploading the file.
There is one last step that needs to be completed that is not made readily apparent to complete the process. After the Custom Install is downloaded and extracted, the revit.ini file that was specified needs to be copied to deployments “image” folder.
For example: A Revit Custom Install deployment with name Revit2023-custom and a location of X:\deploy the custom file would be copied to X:\deploy\Revit2023-custom\image\.
During installation the custom file will be used as the default Revit.ini.
Here is a link to documentation of this process: